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Headlines Masala


Google to Layoffs 30000 more employees? AI Impact Sparks Company Restructuring

Google Ad Sales: The tech giant Google Inc is once again under the shadow of layoffs. Earlier this year, the company showed the door to 12,000 employees, marking the largest layoff in its history. Now, Google is gearing up for a transformation in its advertising sales unit, sparking discussions among employees about potential layoffs. Approximately 30,000 people work in this department.



Sundar Pichai Misjudged the Layoff Approach:

Google’s CEO, Sundar Pichai, recently admitted that the company did not handle the layoff process correctly. However, he emphasized the necessity of layoffs for the company’s future, suggesting it was a justified step to prevent adverse consequences for Google down the line. Notably, no one has been let go after the layoffs in early 2023.

sundar pichai google ceo

What’s Happening at Google:

According to information from last week’s meeting, Sean Downey, the President of Google America and Global Partners, discussed plans to restructure the ad sales team. While he didn’t explicitly mention layoffs during the meeting, concerns among employees have risen.

Possible Reasons for Layoffs:

Google is actively investing in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and using machine learning in ad purchases. The widespread use of AI poses a threat to jobs everywhere, leading to employee concerns. If the company doesn’t lay off employees, there might be a possibility of transferring them to other departments. Google has not yet commented on this matter.

Employee Layoffs Due to Economic Concerns:

Alphabet, Google’s parent company, laid off 12,000 people due to economic concerns. Pichai admitted that they didn’t handle informing affected employees properly, adversely affecting morale. He mentioned that Google has never seen such a time in its 25-year history and acknowledged that the process was not well-managed.

AI Taking Jobs:



In 2021, Google launched its AI-powered Campaign Planner, Performance Max. At the beginning of this year, the company decided to incorporate generative AI-based capabilities into its advertising tools. This makes it easier to create custom assets with just a few clicks. The report suggests that a significant number of advertisers are adopting Performance Max, reducing the need for specialized employees to sell ads for specific Google services like YouTube, Search, Display, Discover, Gmail, and Maps.

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